cousins for life, FRIENDS FOREVER!

When Sherry contacted me about taking pictures of her grandkids in order to surprise their parents for Christmas I was more than happy to be a part of the action. Surprises are the best... and what better gift to give than one that is priceless and timeless! What excited me even more was that these kids are cousins! Cousins hold a special place in my heart. I grew up with the joys of having sleep overs, get togethers and vacations with my cousins. And now, my kids are growing up with those same experiences. Between my sister, brother and myself we have 11 kids and they all adore one another. They have this special bond that can never be replaced.

When I met Sherry's grandkids and began seeing them interact with each other I immediately saw that same bond between them. These precious kids have an unexplained connection that can be seen and felt, and I hope these picture give you a glimpse of that beautiful relationship. The blood that runs through their veins may say they are cousins, but the bond that holds them together says that they are friends!